Emily Elphinstone credits her workplace mentor, Faye Hodgetts, with gaining business qualifications and a healthy dose of self belief.
Emily, 19, who works alongside Faye at Loaves and Fishes Tasmania, said she had found a friend, confidante and mother figure in her mentor, who has two adult daughters.
“I don’t think I could have finished my Certificate III in Business without Faye’s encouragement and support,” said Emily, who joined Loaves and Fishes three years ago as a school-based trainee.
“Faye can relate to me as she grew up in a Housing Commission area and was bullied at school, like me.
“She is resilient and confident and has helped me believe I can do and be anything I put my mind to.
“I have grown up with domestic violence, homelessness and bullying, and have had a lot of mental health issues.
“I remember when I started at Loaves and Fishes I was so anxious and couldn’t initiate a conversation.
Tough start, bright future
“Faye taught me that just because you have nothing in your pockets doesn’t mean you can’t still become something, regardless of your background.”
The women have been meeting weekly for two years to discuss life and share hopes and dreams.
Emily started as a junior admin assistant but has recently moved into a finance role.
She hopes to study psychology or a related field to become a social worker.
Shorter term goals are to move out of home and into her own rental accommodation, go on a cruise, and get her licence.
Faye said Emily has come a long way since their first meeting.
“She was a shy young girl that you couldn’t get two words out of. Now, she is a confident young lady that has a smile that lights up the whole workplace,” Faye said.
Like another daughter
“Emily is like a daughter to me. I am so very proud of everything that Emily is achieving and it makes me so happy to see her thriving in all aspects of life.”
Faye is one of dozens of volunteer mentors trained and supervised by Devonport Chaplaincy.
By Paul O’Rourke
If you’re interested in joining the team, or want to find out more about being a school or workplace mentor, contact Devonport Chaplaincy on 6417 3175, or contact@devonportchaplaincy.org.au
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