Published On: 21 June 2024Categories: Stories

Chaplain and mum Sarah Groenewold is taking part in this year’s Devonport Chaplaincy Solstice Splash after having a prompting from God.

Devonport Chaplaincy is hoping to raise $60,000 from the Solstice Splash at 8am on Saturday, June 22, at the Mersey Bluff. Funds raised will be used to support school chaplains, student and learner driver mentors, school breakfast clubs, emergency food relief and mental health first aid training.

“Taking part in the Solstice Splash is a practical way of showing our love and care for the community,” Sarah said,

Sarah has been a chaplain for almost four years, working three days a week at Don College and one day at Reece High School. During that time, she has organised many food hampers for struggling families.

She has seen first hand the enormous difference chaplaincy services have made to students, their families, and the community.

The mum of two hopes to raise $1200 from her Splash, and admits she is not looking forward to the experience.

“It’s not really my thing,” she said.

“I don’t like the cold, or the surf, and have put off taking part in the Solstice Splash, preferring to support others taking part.

“I’m really stepping out of my comfort zone, but believe strongly in the cause.”

Sarah initially said no when asked to consider taking part and be in a photo for the Advocate, but agreed the next day after a restless night where she could hear God prompting her.

“I just knew I had to take part,” she said.

“My human response was no, and oh well I haven’t done it in previous years so it doesn’t matter if I don’t do it again this year.

“But at sometime in the morning it was still on my mind and moved onto my heart – I said to God, if this is what you want me to do then I’ll do it.”

“You know when it’s a prompt from God you better say yes so you can go back to sleep.”

Sarah has raised $187.83 so far.

Click here to sponsor Sarah’s swim.

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