Published On: 22 January 2024Categories: Stories

Anne Rogers is using her faith, cooking, parenting and childcare training to great effect as a

chaplain at Miandetta and Devonport Primary Schools.

Anne, who is a mother, stepmother and grandmother, works four days a week between the

two schools as well as running her own cooking business.

She only started as a chaplain this year after her pastor suggested she take on the role.

Anne helps run or manage the daily breakfast clubs as well as leading two Girlwise personal

development courses at each school, and a Super Heroes program for boys at Devonport

Primary School.

“Girlwise is a 10-week program for middle primary and senior primary-age students covering

self-esteem, healthy bodies, healthy minds, healthy friendships, cyber safety, managing

fears, and identifying their gifts,” she said.

“Both schools have embraced the program and the girls love it.

“The goal is to help the girls understand who they are and build confidence. They are a safe

place to share and give them the tools and strategies to help navigate adolescence.

‘’We want to journey with them to be resilient, fulfilled and assured young adults.”

Wise girls and super boys

Girlwise and Wiseguys are the work of Sharon Witt, a leading educator, author and media

commentator on issues affecting Australian children.

Anne said the Super Heroes program she uses for 10-12-year-old boys at Devonport Primary School is based on a resource book, and helps boys develop confidence and resilience.

Anne meets with two groups of Grade 5 and 6 boys for an hour-and-a-half each fortnight.

“Surprisingly, a lot of the boys want to spend most of the time cooking,” she said.

“We’ve made truffles and sushi, and they really open up as we get our hands dirty in the


Anne said the programs and breakfast clubs were important opportunities to build

relationships with the children and parents, and identify specific needs.

Anne is the sole chaplain at Miandetta Primary School, and partners with Matt Taylor who

works as a chaplain one day a week at Devonport Primary School

“I will catch up with Matt at breakfast club on Thursday to discuss what’s been going on, as

well as my email and phone,” Anne said.

“Breakfast club is a nice way for children to connect over food before the school day begins,”

she said.

“For most children who may have eaten at home, it’s the social interaction that’s most

important, but there’s also a handful of children who have not eaten and are hungry.”

Anne had a long career as an in-home educator for children and families with special needs

or those escaping domestic violence before starting her own cooking business.

“I Hate Cooking is for people who can’t cook, as well as busy professionals who don’t have

time, new mums or people who have lost a loved one and who need some meals,” she said.

“Sometimes I make the meals at my home, or I use their kitchen.”

Anne said she loved being a chaplain.

“I’m so blessed and very grateful to be in this role,” she said.

Praise from school principal

“Chaplaincy has a long history and is well received at both schools which has made my job

so much easier as everyone is welcoming.”

Devonport Primary School principal, Nichole Todd, said Anne was well liked by students who loved participating in her various programs.

“She has quickly developed trust and a rapport with those she works with, allowing her to skilfully navigate some tricky conversations at times,” Nichole said.

“Her cooking skills have certainly been a big hit with many students, who love eating the delicious creations!

“Together, Anne and Matt run our school breakfast club with their band of helpers. Many

students benefit from the yummy breakfast provided.

Anne is a positive, caring and empathetic adult in our school community who provides support and a listening ear to those she works with and is greatly appreciated.”

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